Friday, November 27, 2015

Wearable, Fitness Smartwatch Gift for Geeks


We've already covered several Fitbit products here. The Surge is an advanced fitness reporting smart-watch that is relatively larger in size than smart wristband, such as Fitbit Charge HR or the Fitbit Flex.

Fitbit Flex and Charge HR both lack an always-on display that comes with the Surge. Other features include a silent wake-up alarm, automated sleep-tracker, GPS and heart rate tracker.

The device weighs more than the average wristband. It cannot be worn while taking a shower or swimming in the pool.

There are some new features in the smartwatch, which we didn't see in Charge HR and Flex. For instance, it can show SMS notifications and call alerts from your smartphone. It also comes with GPS tracking for more accurate reporting.

The Surge can be worn on either wrist. It reports the distance traveled, steps taken, heart beat and calories burned and elevation climbed.